Terms & Conditions

To ensure the smooth running of the library and in fairness to all members, please note and observe the following membership conditions:
Annual membership will be one year from the date of registration.
Membership is not transferable, but can be deferred or refunded at the Committee’s discretion.
Members are responsible for notifying the Librarian of any changes to their registration details (address, telephone number, email).
Membership may be cancelled at the discretion of the Committee.
New memberships must be paid prior to any toys being issued.
Annual membership renewal that has not been paid within one month of the due date will be assumed to have resigned as a member of the Library. Such a member will not however be released from unpaid fines or other fees.
All fees are subject to review and discussion by the Committee.
Toy Library Sessions
Session Times:
Monday 9.30am – 11.30am
Thursday 5.30pm – 7.00pm
Saturday 9.00am – 12.00pm (Doors close at 11.45am)
When choosing toys, please remember that unsupervised children are not allowed in the toy room.
There is a public carpark at the back of the Cathedral that is a pay and display area. However, the spaces immediately outside the Library are free to use while in the Library.
The Library is closed on public holidays, school holidays, and occasionally the Saturday of long weekends. We also close for approximately four to six weeks during the December/January holidays. Please check the noticeboard at the Library, the quarterly newsletter, and our Facebook page for opening and closing dates. We endeavour to give plenty of notice for all closures.
General Fees and Fines
Roster Duty
Members who choose Duty membership will be expected to complete four duties per year. Duty members can book and view their rosters via Member Portal.
Duty members must be at the Library by opening time for set up. Currently, available shifts are on: Saturday 9.30am – 12.00pm
Members on duty are expected to help with tasks such as counting toys in/out, putting them back on the shelves, general tidying of the shelves, and any other odd jobs on the day as directed by the Librarian.
Members can make changes to their roster on Member Portal up to 7 days out form duty date. After that member will need to contact Librarian via phone or email for changes.
We recommend that members do duty without their children present if possible as the time is too long for most children, and it can be difficult for the parent to focus.
Duty members will be refunded $25 per duty sessions completed via bank transfer.
Duty members are required to provide minimum of 48 hrs notice of changing or cancelling duty sessions. $15 missed schedule fee will applied for missed schedule duties with less than 48 hrs notice.
Health & Safety
Please do not bring sick children in to the Toy Library. If the Librarian cannot work because of sickness, and a replacement cannot be found, the Library may be closed at short notice. Last minute closures will be posted on our Facebook page and an email sent out to all members.
We ask that all members clean the toys before returning them to the Library, and that extra vigilance is taken if children have been sick as viruses can live on hard surfaces for a few days. Please refer to the “Tips for Cleaning Toys” guideline.
It is our aim to provide and promote the safe use of toys. Please let us know of any safety concerns you may have about a toy. The Toy Library is not responsible for any damage to person or property caused during the use of Toy Library property.
Borrowing Toys
Toys are issued for a period of three weeks
A member may borrow up to 6 toys
All members must count toys by the description on the box/ bag within 2 days of borrowing, and email librarian for discrepancy. Otherwise, any issues will be full responsibility of the member.
Please do not exchange toys with other members or friends or borrow toys on their behalf
Please care for toys so that others may continue to enjoy them after you. Never leave toys outside unless that is what they are intended for. Where possible, place outdoor toys in a sheltered area when not in use to prevent them from weathering and becoming too dirty.
Returning Toys
All toys must be returned clean, undamaged, and with all pieces including the boxes and instructions, present
Puzzles should be assembled
Overdue toys will incur a fine of $1 per week per toy
Toys and containers must be cleaned before they are returned. Always clean toys at least one day before return (to allow time to dry thoroughly). If a toy is returned in a dirty condition the toy will be re-issued for another three weeks for cleaning or a $5 cleaning fee will be applied.
Toys must be sorted into their correct boxes and bags before being returned to the library. Toys will be reissued for three weeks for sorting or a $10 fee will be applied.
Batteries are not always provided in battery operated toys. Members may supply their own batteries and on returning the toy to the Library, are entitled to remove the batteries they supplied or may donate the batteries by leaving them in the toy.
Members who are unable to return their toys can renew their toys once via Member Portal or by advising the Librarian, and the toys will be re-issued for another period of three weeks
Missing Pieces / Lost Toys
If a piece of a toy is missing, the toy will be re-issued to the member for another three weeks in order that they find the missing piece
If the piece cannot be found, and it is not integral to the operation of the toy, a fine of $3-$10 per missing piece will be payable. However if the replacement cost of this piece exceeds $10 then the member will be charged accordingly. The fine is refundable should the piece subsequently be returned before purchase of a replacement.
If the piece cannot be found, and it is integral to the operation of the toy leading to withdrawal of toy, the member will be charged by replacement cost based on value and age of toy.
Broken / Damaged Toys and Packaging
If the toy is to be withdrawn due to critical damage, a fine will be charged for critically damaged item according to age and value of toy. If a toy has been rendered unusable then the member will be charged the full replacement cost of the toy as assessed by the Toy Library Committee.
The Toy Library Committee may use their discretion with regards to fines for broken or damaged toys that are getting old, as over time naturally they will start to show signs of wear and tear when being used. If you notice that a part of a toy is starting to break or wear please let the Librarian know.
Fines for overdue, missing, and broken toys must be paid within one month of incurring the fine. Failure to do so will result in suspension of membership and the member will be unable to take out any further toys until the outstanding fine is paid.